A Tatsumi Ryu Snapshot
I study Tatsumi ryu (立身流 Tatsumi-ryū Hyōhō): a Koryu, or classical tradition. It originates in the Sengoku Jidai period in Japan, and was founded by Tatsumi Sankyo, who was born in what is now Ehime Pefecture, on Shikoku Island. I won't delve into the history or essential principles of the system; after all, it isn't my place as a student to be telling the world about Tatsumi ryu. For that, I suggest visiting the Wikipedia entry here or Liam Keeley Sensei's home page here. But I thought people might be interested in seeing photographs of the art. Some are available at the links above, but I have a couple of interest that aren't available (or, at least, not in the resolution I've provided them). The photographs were taken by Neill Smith in 2006.
Without giving too much away, it is worth noting that this particular ryu obviously uses more than the sword. In fact, it classifies as a sogo bujutsu: an integrated, composite martial arts system. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to study it.
Along with the links above, anyone interested in the koryu should at a minimum read Hunter B. Armstrong's "The Koryu Bujutsu Experience" in Koryu Bujutsu: Classical Warrior Traditions of Japan (by Koryu Books). It is a very good essay on not only the historical qualities of the koryu, but also the philosophical and technical distinctions between the classical arts and modern budo.
I haven't done much Jo, yet, but the second pic is Maki Otoshi, Ha.
Ferran Bassols, Barcelona, Spain.
BTW, I just found a youtube film of this year's demo at Itsukushima.
Hi Shugyosha,
It's actually bo, not jo. The jo is shorter (about 5'), the bo about 6'. I'm a student of Keeley Sensei. I know there is a school in Spain, but I don't remember any details.
You're right about the second pic :-)
How long have you been training for?
Sorry, yes. I didn't realize it "crossed" Teki's image.
Training... It depends ;) I sort of started some 17 years ago, but I had to leave it --schedule & economic troubles-- shortly after. I got reacquainted with it about 2 years ago. Long story.
Since my 'official' instructor lives in Andorra, I usually train with a senpai before Seitei Iai class. Then, from time to time, either our instructor takes a ride to Barcelona or we take a ride there. Logistics make it hard, for instance, for us to train Yawara.
From time to time, some of the pupils from Andorra come to the city to study at the university, but the temptations of the big city lead them astray.
If you wish, you can reach me at GMail's "shiruf".
Be well.
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